Hi, I am
Aasif Ali.

Passionate Web and App Developer crafting seamless digital experiences. Specializing in modern web technologies and mobile applications to bring innovative ideas to life., let's connect!


About Me

In the realm of web development, my expertise with the MERN stack allows me to build dynamic, data-driven websites and applications. From designing intuitive front-end interfaces with React to developing powerful back-end solutions with Node.js and Express.js, I ensure every project is optimized for performance and scalability.

On the mobile front, React Native is my tool of choice for developing cross-platform mobile apps that run smoothly on both iOS and Android. By utilizing a single codebase, I streamline the development process while maintaining a high standard of quality and performance.


Projects Done


Satisified Clients


Months of Experience

My Capabilities

I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge. From the past 2 years, I have worked on a variety of projects, including web applications, mobile applications, and websites.





React Native


Tailwind CSS






My Experience

Frontend Developer

1 May 2024 - 30 June 2024

I worked as a frontend developer at Aharbal, I was responsible for developing and maintaining the frontend of the SabeelConnect(A platform for Fostering mental and spiritual health) platform, using React and Typescript. I also worked on improving the user experience and performance of the platform.

FullStack Developer

10 Oct 2023 - 10 Nov 2023

I worked as a Fullstack Developer at Bharat Intern. The Internship included Two Full-stack platforms such as Content management System and product management system. I built First CMS project using MERN stack, For other project i used React and Firebase

Web Developer

10 Jun 2024 - Present

I am working as a Web Developer at BareeqLLC, I am working alongside other developers to deliver state-of-art,Scalable websites by leveraging the latest technologies and best practices.

Featured Projects

Here are some of my selected projects
that exhibit my passion as a Web and App developer

Ecommerce App

Ecommerce Application Built Using Mern Stack Technology,User..


Full Stack Social Media App

Full Stack Social Media App along with one on one user Conve..


Amazon Clone

Amazon Clone developed Using Reactjs and TailwindCss for Fro..


Full Stack Todo App

Full Todo App Built using React with Typescript and Firebase..


Netflix-UI Clone

A Basic Netflix-UI clone developed Using Reactjs and Tailwin..

let's connect

Say Hello at asif@gmail.com

For more info check my resume